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' present in directory ' . $this->dir); } } public function __set($name, $value) { $this->vars[$name] = $value; } public function __get($name) { return $this->vars[$name]; } } ``` 在完成简单的模版功能之后,我们就能够在应用中使用 `new Template, template->render('template.name.html')` 来进行页面结果的渲染了。 ### 简单实现主要逻辑 接下来,我们来实现“微博”的主要流程逻辑,大概 130 行左右的代码就能够搞定: ```php data = $this->loadData($page); ob_start(); $tpl->render('main.html'); ob_end_flush(); $end_time = microtime(true); echo "\n"; } else { $content = trim($_POST['content']); if (strlen($content) == 0) { echo ERROR_IS_EMPTY; exit; } $content = (string) filter_var($content, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS); $this->postWhisper($content); } } private function postWhisper($content) { $date = date('Y-m-d g:i:s A'); $filename = DATA_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . date('YmdHis') . ".txt"; $file = fopen($filename, "w+"); $content = $date . "\n" . $content . "\n"; fwrite($file, $content); fclose($file); header("location: /"); } private function loadData($page) { $result = [ 'whispers' => [], 'pagination' => ['hide' => true], ]; $files = []; if ($handle = @opendir(DATA_DIR)) { while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if (!is_dir($file)) { $files[] = $file; } } } rsort($files); $total = sizeof($files); if ($total == 0) { return $result; } $page = $page - 1; $start = $page * WHISPER_PER_PAGE; if (($start + WHISPER_PER_PAGE) > $total) { $last = $total; } else { $last = $start + WHISPER_PER_PAGE; } for ($i = $start; $i < $last; $i++) { $raw = file(DATA_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $files[$i]); $date = trim($raw[0]); unset($raw[0]); $content = ""; foreach ($raw as $value) { $content .= $value; } $data = array( 'date' => $date, 'content' => $content, ); $result['whispers'][] = $data; } $result['pagination'] = $this->getPagination($start, $last, $page, $total); return $result; } private function getPagination($start, $last, $page, $total) { if ($total <= WHISPER_PER_PAGE) { return ['hide' => true]; } $page = $page + 1; $next = 0; $prev = 0; if ($start == 0) { if ($last < $total) { $next = $page + 1; } } else { if ($last < $total) { $next = $page + 1; $prev = $page - 1; } else { $prev = $page - 1; } } return [ 'hide' => false, 'prev' => $prev, 'next' => $next, 'page' => $page, 'last' => ceil($total / 5), ]; } } new Whisper(); ``` ### 简单实现页面模版 完成主要程序实现之后,我们来实现页面模版,大概 120 行就能够搞定: ```html Whisper


a simplest example.

# Post a Whisper



# List data['pagination']['hide']):?> Page #data['pagination']['page']?> / data['pagination']['last']?>

    data['whispers'] as $whisper): ?>
``` ### 使用 PHP 官方镜像验证程序 为了方便后续的演示和性能对比,这里我们直接声明一些路径为 Nginx 容器的地址,所以当你看到后续 Apache 镜像中使用的路径,不必惊讶: ```php &1 | sed -n -e 's/^.*arguments: //p') \ CONFARGS=${CONFARGS/-Os -fomit-frame-pointer -g/-Os} && \ echo $CONFARGS && \ ./configure --with-compat $CONFARGS --with-ld-opt="-Wl,-rpath,${PHP_LIB}" --add-dynamic-module=../${DEVEL_KIT_NAME} --add-dynamic-module=../${MODULE_NAME} && \ make modules ``` 完成构建之后,我们使用多阶段构建,制作最终的应用镜像就好了: ```bash FROM nginx:1.23.1-alpine LABEL MAINTAINER=soulteary@gmail.com COPY --from=Builder /usr/lib/libphp.so /usr/lib/ COPY --from=Builder /usr/lib/libargon2.so.1 /usr/lib/ COPY --from=Builder /lib/libz.so.1 /lib/ COPY --from=Builder /etc/php8/php.ini /etc/php8/ COPY --from=Builder /usr/src/nginx/objs/ndk_http_module.so /etc/nginx/modules/ COPY --from=Builder /usr/src/nginx/objs/ngx_http_php_module.so /etc/nginx/modules/ ENV PHP_LIB=/usr/lib COPY conf/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/ COPY app/index.php /usr/share/nginx/html/ COPY app/assets /usr/share/nginx/html/assets COPY app/templates /usr/share/nginx/html/templates RUN mkdir -p /usr/share/nginx/html/data && \ chown nginx:nginx /usr/share/nginx/html/data && \ chmod 777 /usr/share/nginx/html/data ``` 这个小节的完整代码,在这里可以找到: [soulteary/ngx-php-micro-blog/Dockerfile](https://github.com/soulteary/ngx-php-micro-blog/blob/main/Dockerfile)。使用 `docker build -t soulteary/ngx-php:8-microblog .`,完成基础镜像构建,我们将得到一个 12MB 左右的小巧的、包含了 Nginx PHP 模块的镜像。 ![小巧可爱的容器镜像](https://attachment.soulteary.com/2022/10/05/docker-image-size.png) 在完成了基础镜像构建之后,我们来进行程序的“改造”。 ## 将 PHP 程序适配 NGX PHP 环境 如果我们不修改任何代码,通过调整 `docker compose` 配置文件,切换容器镜像和挂载的文件,是可以让程序在我们新构建的 NGX-PHP 镜像中运行的。 ```yaml version: '3' services: talk: image: soulteary/ngx-php:8-microblog restart: always ports: - 8090:80 volumes: - ./app/data:/usr/share/nginx/html/data:rw - ./app/index.php:/usr/share/nginx/html/index.php:ro - ./app/templates:/usr/share/nginx/html/templates:ro - ./app/assets:/usr/share/nginx/html/assets:ro ``` 但是我们会得到一些报错,导致程序不能正常运行。 ### 解决变量、函数重复定义的问题 我们首先可能遇到的问题就是类似下面的报错,告诉我们重复声明了“某些内容”,比如常量: ```php Warning: Constant TEMPLATE_DIR already defined in /usr/share/nginx/html/index.php on line 4 ``` 或者重复声明了“某些类”: ```php Fatal error: Cannot declare class Template, because the name is already in use in /usr/share/nginx/html/index.php on line 18 ``` 出现这两个问题的原因,是因为 NGX PHP 模块中,“全局变量和静态变量”都是不安全的。 解决第一个问题,我们可以有两个方案,降低声明的作用域,或者加上一些防御性判断: ```php defined('TEMPLATE_DIR') or define('TEMPLATE_DIR', '/usr/share/nginx/html/templates'); ``` 解决第二个问题,我们只能够依赖添加判断来避免重复声明: ```php if (!class_exists('Template')) { class Template { // ... } } ``` 解决完毕上面两个问题,程序就能够正常展示界面了。 ### 解决参数获取不到的问题 虽然解决了上面的问题,程序能够正常展示,但是我们会发现提交任何内容,程序都不会有“正确的反应”,而 Nginx 日志中也没有任何错误信息。 出现这个问题的原因是,在 NGX PHP 环境下,PHP 获取用户提交数据的方式由 `$_GET` 和 `$_POST` 改为了 `ngx_query_args()` 和 `ngx_post_args()`。 为了解决这个问题,并且保持我们的程序依旧能够在官方 PHP 环境中运行、调试,可以实现一个简单的 `getArgs` 方法,让程序兼容不同的环境: ```php private function getArgs($key, $method) { $dataSource = null; $isNginxEnv = false; if ($method == 'GET') { if (function_exists('ngx_query_args')) { $dataSource = ngx_query_args(); $isNginxEnv = true; } else { $dataSource = $_GET; } } else { if (function_exists('ngx_post_args')) { $dataSource = ngx_post_args(); $isNginxEnv = true; } else { $dataSource = $_POST; } } if (!isset($dataSource[$key])) { return ""; } return $isNginxEnv ? trim(urldecode($dataSource[$key])) : trim($dataSource[$key]); } ``` 对应的,调整上文中程序获取用户输入数据的方法,就能够让程序正常的在 NGX PHP 容器中运行啦。 ### 最终应用程序 最终的应用程序,算上换行大概 220 行左右: ```php dir = $dir; } } public function render($file) { if (file_exists($this->dir . $file)) { include $this->dir . $file; } else { throw new Exception('no template file ' . $file . ' present in directory ' . $this->dir); } } public function __set($name, $value) { $this->vars[$name] = $value; } public function __get($name) { return $this->vars[$name]; } } } if (!class_exists('Whisper')) { class Whisper { private function getArgs($key, $method) { $dataSource = null; $isNginxEnv = false; if ($method == 'GET') { if (function_exists('ngx_query_args')) { $dataSource = ngx_query_args(); $isNginxEnv = true; } else { $dataSource = $_GET; } } else { if (function_exists('ngx_post_args')) { $dataSource = ngx_post_args(); $isNginxEnv = true; } else { $dataSource = $_POST; } } if (!isset($dataSource[$key])) { return ""; } return $isNginxEnv ? trim(urldecode($dataSource[$key])) : trim($dataSource[$key]); } private function redir($url) { if (function_exists('ngx_header_set')) { ngx_header_set("Location", $url); ngx_exit(NGX_HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY); } else { header("Location: " . $url); } } public function __construct() { $content = $this->getArgs('content', 'POST'); if (empty($content)) { $start_time = microtime(true); $page = 1; $page = $this->getArgs('p', 'GET'); if (!empty($page)) { $page = (int) filter_var($page, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); if ($page < 1) { $page = 1; } } else { $page = 1; } $tpl = new Template(); $tpl->data = $this->loadData($page); ob_start(); $tpl->render('main.html'); ob_end_flush(); $end_time = microtime(true); echo "\n"; } else { $content = htmlentities((string) filter_var($content, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS)); $this->postWhisper($content); } } private function postWhisper($content) { $date = date('Y-m-d g:i:s A'); $filename = DATA_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . date('YmdHis') . ".txt"; $file = fopen($filename, "w+"); $content = $date . "\n" . $content . "\n"; fwrite($file, $content); fclose($file); $this->redir("/"); } private function loadData($page) { $result = [ 'whispers' => [], 'pagination' => ['hide' => true], ]; $files = []; if ($handle = @opendir(DATA_DIR)) { while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if (!is_dir($file)) { $files[] = $file; } } } rsort($files); $total = sizeof($files); if ($total == 0) { return $result; } $page = $page - 1; $start = $page * WHISPER_PER_PAGE; if (($start + WHISPER_PER_PAGE) > $total) { $last = $total; } else { $last = $start + WHISPER_PER_PAGE; } for ($i = $start; $i < $last; $i++) { $raw = file(DATA_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $files[$i]); $date = trim($raw[0]); unset($raw[0]); $content = ""; foreach ($raw as $value) { $content .= $value; } $data = array( 'date' => $date, 'content' => html_entity_decode($content), ); $result['whispers'][] = $data; } $result['pagination'] = $this->getPagination($start, $last, $page, $total); return $result; } private function getPagination($start, $last, $page, $total) { if ($total <= WHISPER_PER_PAGE) { return ['hide' => true]; } $page = $page + 1; $next = 0; $prev = 0; if ($start == 0) { if ($last < $total) { $next = $page + 1; } } else { if ($last < $total) { $next = $page + 1; $prev = $page - 1; } else { $prev = $page - 1; } } return [ 'hide' => false, 'prev' => $prev, 'next' => $next, 'page' => $page, 'last' => ceil($total / 5), ]; } } } new Whisper(); ``` ## 简单的性能比较 除了相信相对中立的机构的测试结果之外,我们也可以自己进行应用性能测试,来验证 NGX-PHP 是否真的能够“降本增效”。 下面我们就用上面最终实现好的程序,分别在我们构建的 `soulteary/ngx-php:8` 镜像和 PHP 官方镜像 `php:8.1.10-apache-buster` 中进行简单的请求性能测试: 先使用开启 OPCACHE 之后的官方镜像(`php:8.1.10-apache-buster`),完成30s 的压力测试: ```bash wrk -t16 -c 100 -d 30s Running 30s test @ 16 threads and 100 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 132.92ms 158.49ms 1.98s 86.67% Req/Sec 54.38 56.83 670.00 94.88% 22603 requests in 30.08s, 49.40MB read Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 112 Requests/sec: 751.53 Transfer/sec: 1.64MB ``` 接着,使用我们构建好的 NGX PHP 镜像,在不开启缓存的情况下进行测试: ```bash wrk -t16 -c 100 -d 30s Running 30s test @ 16 threads and 100 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 94.01ms 15.94ms 431.01ms 81.62% Req/Sec 64.02 11.33 148.00 74.26% 30715 requests in 30.09s, 65.03MB read Requests/sec: 1020.65 Transfer/sec: 2.16MB ``` 可以看到,性能提升还是比较明显的。 ## 最后 好了,关于 NGX PHP 的第一篇文章就聊到这里吧。关于更多的细节,或许后面有机会,我会再写一两篇文章进行分享。 --EOF